Picture just used for reference.

923065-001, AS-TCTD

On/Off control with built-in time clock and time delay. Time clock controls low speed, air switch with time delay controls high speed. (Will control single or two speed pump. Neutral required.) 120/240V, 20A, 1.0 or 2.0 HP.Takes the place of discontinued AS-2HLTC COMBO

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Manufactured by Len Gordon

 Other Items from Len Gordon Two and Three Function Controls

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  922990-001, AS-5 - On/Off control to operate higher amp or commercial electrical equip.
  923055-001, AS-TC-94 - On/Off control w/built-in time clock. Operates single piece of equipment.
  923065-001, AS-TCTD - Picture just used for reference.
  923100-001, ES-Combo - On/Off control to operate a single piece of Equipment
  923305-001, 3F-95 - Two Speed Control
  921305-001 - AS-Multi Combo-95, Control - Control, AS-Multi Combo-95
  921450-001, AS-V COMBO w/transformer - 
  921805-001, Len Gordon, AS-TD COMBO-95 - AS-TD COMBO-95, Len Gordon


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